EMDR Therapy in Dubai
Metaphoric Illustration

By Diana Tutschek, Psychologist: EMDR Therapy in Dubai for Trauma, Anxiety, Depression, Relationship Problems.

EMDR therapy is used to treat psychological trauma and other mental health conditions. In addition, it is often employed in addressing non-pathological conditions that may be related to traumatic or adverse life events. EMDR is an evidence-based integrative therapeutic approach that rests on the assumption that existing mental health, personality or other problems stem from unprocessed memories of negative or traumatic experiences. The EMDR theory asserts that the mind can heal from psychological trauma and its multifaceted consequences, much like the body recovers from physical injury.

An unsettling or traumatic life experience can be “locked” into the brain through thoughts, sounds, images, emotions and bodily sensations. However, perceiving events as negative and traumatic is highly subjective. What might be traumatic to one person may not be so to another. EMDR facilitates information processing and enables the brain to integrate negative memories with the help of visual, auditory or tactile bilateral stimulation techniques (bilateral eye movements, alternating sounds or taps). That may be similar to what happens in the rapid eye movement (REM) sleep phase when eye movements help process the information.

EMDR was originally designed for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). As time has passed, its use has expanded to include the treatment of a range of other mental health conditions, such as

Moreover, EMDR is effectively used in

The theory posits that traumatic memories are not stored in the brain in the same way as non-traumatic ones. Those unprocessed memories may cause flashbacks, intrusive thoughts and other symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or other psychological and physical symptoms.

The goal of EMDR is to reprocess trauma memories and integrate them into adaptive memory networks. The therapist helps the client identify the trauma memory and then uses bilateral stimulation to reprocess the memory. Additionally, the client might need to specify and process associated negative beliefs and emotions. 

 Three focal concepts that underlie EMDR treatment are 

  • associative channels,  

  • memory networks and unprocessed memories, 

  • information processing.

Memories, thoughts and emotions connect in a network of associations. Consequently, when one memory, thought or emotion is active, it can trigger other related memories, feelings and thoughts. In this manner, reminders of the trauma, such as certain smells, sounds or images, can activate unprocessed memories and induce psychological and physical symptoms.

Unprocessed unintegrated memories may remain “stuck” in memory networks and generate clinical symptoms, such as intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, emotional distress and physical symptoms.

It is the process of taking in, organising and storing information. Processing is achieved by using bilateral stimulation, such as eye movements, tones or taps to activate the associative channels in the brain.

EMDR treatment is based on an eight-phase and three-prong protocol.

The three prongs are

  1. past events that contribute to current disturbance

  2. present triggers causing the disturbance

  3. actions that may facilitate future functioning

The eight steps of EMDR therapy are

  1. History Taking

  2. Preparation

  3. Assessment

  4. Desensitization

  5. Installation

  6. Body Scan

  7. Closure

  8. Reevaluation

EMDR Therapy in Dubai for Trauma, Anxiety and Depression: What is Post-Traumatic Growth?

The concept of post-traumatic growth (PTG) implies that adverse experiences can act as a catalyst for improved psychological health, manifesting as constructive psychological transformations that happen following trauma. Those positive psychological changes account for the key domains of PTG that comprise changed priorities and better appreciation of life, improved relationships with others, spiritual growth, a better realisation of own strengths and recognition of new potentials for one’s life.
PTG evolves amidst suffering and psychological struggles that follow trauma.

EMDR therapy is shown to facilitate post-traumatic growth, which manifests as improved relationships, a greater appreciation of life and recognition of personal strengths. Consequently, people can use their memory to learn and grow rather than letting it hold them back.

To book an appointment in Dubai, please contact Diana Tutschek, EMDR Therapist. Tel.: +971504328841 (WhatsApp); email: d.tutschek@chmc-dubai.com

emdr therapy for trauma bibliography

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